Thank you for clicking through from my X profile. Let me introduce myself.

I am the author of “An Elephant’s Swimming Pool” – a devotional look at the Gospel of John (IPI). You have found my blog where I develop themes on deeper spirituality within the Christian tradition. I blog three times a week or more. If you don’t want to miss anything, join the email list and you will receive an email each time I post.

The blog has three main components: effective preaching and teaching; spiritual disciplines; corporate worship.

Put like that it doesn’t sound very exciting! But, I know health in all three areas is vital for vibrant church life, and zealous personal discipleship. If I can help preachers and teachers speak with greater impact I’ll be glad. Writing about it helps me improve, and the comments people leave fill in my gaps.

Practising spiritual disciplines takes us deeper into God – and allows the Spirit to mould us into greater Christlikeness. That’s a benefit to us, our neighbours and the world.

Well-prepared and spiritually rich corporate worship has the potential to refine our hearts, inspire the lost and glorify God. So, when you think about it like that, I’d say there’s nothing more significant I could be blogging about.

At the moment I’m blogging three times a week or more. If you don’t want to miss anything, email me and I’ll put you on the subscription list. I have a free ebook on six of the spiritual disciplines which I will send to you if you subscribe. Don’t worry – I won’t bombard you with spam. If you want to come off the list, tell me and I’ll make your contact details vanish from my world.

You can find me on facebook and twitter as well a Vimeo and YouTube. Drop me an email as a further option.

My Top Posts

If you’re new to my site, you might like to start by reading some of my most viewed posts. The links are below:

My Story So Far

I am currently minister to the Watford church of Christ and Thames Valley churches of Christ. My original degree was in music (BMus, Birmingham University). This has been supplemented by a diploma in Theology from the London School of Theology. After teaching in prep schools for a couple of years (with dreams of being an opera singer), God called me into ministry. After training in the London International church of Christ, I spent five years as minister to the Manchester Christian church. Later I returned to work in the London church. I served in multiple capacities as evangelist, teacher, worship leader and many other roles.

I have had the privilege to travel extensively both in these islands as well as around the rest of the world. Invitations to speak in Mexico, Japan, Ghana, Switzerland, Indonesia, South Africa, Poland, India, Ireland, the United States and Singapore have broadened my understanding of how the Christian experience is at one and the same time different, yet common.

In addition to the book mentioned above (also translated into Bahasa), I have authored hundreds of blog articles as well as quiet time materials for churches in London and Singapore. A  booklet entitled “Guard the Gospel” designed to help people teach others how to become a Christian was part-authored and edited by myself. I have written some congregational songs.

My wife of thirty-five years, Penny, is a GP in London. We live in Croxley Green, West of Watford. One of our two grown-up children lives nearby, while the other is married and based in Bristol.

My spare time is taken up with reading, walking and playing the piano.

I’m glad you’ve found me. I hope my site fuels your faith and equips you for the Kingdom.

God bless, Malcolm