Newsletter Episode 75: 26 December 2020

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. It was different, that’s for sure, but hopefully, whatever your circumstances, since we have the spirit of Christ, I pray you found some refreshment in the day.
Due to the magic of pre-recording, there is plenty on my website, podcast feed, and YouTube channel to enjoy it. The particular focus is reflecting on the year just gone in speaking, reading and doing a spiritual inventory.
I hope you find these resources helpful.
God bless, Malcolm
The week ahead
If you’d like to pray for me I’d be very grateful. Here are some of my plans:
- A new Tuesday teaching tip class – “How to plan your speaking year ahead”
- The next “What we are reading episode” – “How to plan your reading year”
- The new quiet time coaching episode – “How to plan your devotional life this year”
- The first teaching class in the new Abraham series: “Adventures in faith with Abraham”.
- Preparing the first sermon in the new Abraham series based on Genesis 12.
Until the next time,
God bless, Malcolm