God loves what he makes. That’s true of a galaxy, a planet, a human being and a microbe.
My wife and I have always enjoyed nature, science and God. Our interest in the connections between theology and ecology are more recent. A decade or two. I have spoken on these issues in the past, but recent events have stimulated a renewed interest. I sense a greater urgency to do something.
The page you have found is part of that effort. It’s designed to be a repository of articles, talks, and various resources. I hope they stimulate study, discussion and action.
Please message me with your comments and questions.
God bless, Malcolm
23 March 2021
Recommended Reading
- Caring for creation: Biblical and theological perspectives, edited by Sarah Tillett
- Stewards of Eden: What Scripture says about the environment and why it matters, Sandra L. Richter
Interesting websites
- A Rocha international: A Christian conservation charity
- Operation Noah: Faith-motivated. Science-informed. Hope-inspired.
- Countdown: To a better future. A collaboration powered by TED and Future Stewards.
- A concrete idea to reduce CO2 emissions: A TED talk by Karen Scrivener
- Fully Charged: the world’s number 1 clean energy & electric vehicle channel.
Audio Recordings
A talk I gave at a conference in 2008.
Recent articles and videos of interest
- How Should a Disciple of Jesus View the Environment? Taffeta Chime from RENEW.org.
- 11 May 2020 – Financial Times online – Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’: The novelist on how coronavirus threatens India — and what the country, and the world, should do next
- 06 May 2020 – BBC Article – Climate change: Could the coronavirus crisis spur a green recovery?
- 05 May 2020 – BBC Article: More than 3bn could live in extreme heat by 2070
Music for worship with theologically informed ecological themes
An initiative by Resound Worship – Doxecology Pre-Orders.