Please register using the button above. Knowing numbers will help us with catering (coffee, cake and a light lunch will be provided by members of the Watford church) as well as seating arrangements.
Here is a draft outline for the day:
Session 1: 10-10.45AM
Focus: Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and the place of the Beatitudes within it.
Essential information:
- The Sermon on the Mount is not a new law: compare and contrast Moses and Jesus.
- It is a description of life lived in harmony with God and, therefore, with our fellow humans – i.e. life as God always intended it to be. Life to the full – John 10:10; Genesis 1:26-31. It is what discipleship to Christ looks like.
- The Beatitudes describe the state of being enjoyed by those who have heeded the call to “repent for the kingdom of God has come near” (Matt 4.17) and are thus disciples of Jesus.
- The Beatitudes reflect the state and attitudes of citizens of the kingdom of heaven – Matthew 5:3, 10. Some explanation of what the kingdom is and is not….
- Explanation as to the meaning of “Blessed”: wonderful news; good news; the good life.
Session 2: 11-11.45AM
Focus: The first four beatitudes (approximately ten minutes on each beatitude)
- The poor in spirit. Those unashamed of their need for God. Enjoying living in dependance on God.
- Those who mourn. Those as distressed by the effects of sin and death as God. They are motivated to bring God’s comfort to the suffering.
- The meek. Those enjoying the indwelling strength of the Spirit and the discipline to humbly harness that strength for the benefit of others.
- Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Those for whom nothing satisfies more than doing right by God and their fellow human beings.
Session 3: 12-12.45PM
Focus: The second four beatitudes and conclusion (approximately eight minutes on each beatitude, 10 minutes for the conclusion)
- The merciful. Those who enjoy showing mercy to those in need (Romans 12.8).
- The pure of heart. Those who desire an undivided loyalty to God and look to Him to strengthen that loyalty (Psalm 51.10; Phil 2.13).
- The peacemakers. Those who operate as catalysts for peace between God and people as well as between people and other people.
- The persecuted. Those at peace with the inevitable consequences of living the Beatitudes – that they will be opposed, like their Lord.
- Example of how the Beatitudes could make a difference: Sketch the way in which crucial conversations would benefit from applying the Beatitudes.
- Summary: The Beatitudes are all exemplified by Jesus. Discipleship to him is the most transformational way to experience life, both in oneself, between oneself and God as well as to make a lasting, profound and healthy difference in this world.
- Imagine your life lived in your best conformity to the Beatitudes.
- Imagine the impact on your relationship with God.
- Imagine the impact on those nearest and dearest to you.
- Imagine the impact on your congregation.
- Imagine the impact on the wider community and the world at large.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the schedule please drop me a line: malcolm@malcolmccox.org.