Freedom is an emotive subject. At least, it is if you’ve even been denied yours.
Tonight’s class in Bracknell is focussed on the passage, Colossians 2.16-23. It deals with our freedom in Christ and the issues that can take us on a reverse course back to enslavement if we are not alert.
Part of our evening will be spent discussing the following questions:
1. What are the Colossians being tempted by?
2. Why is it so tempting to them?
3. What is the danger to them?
4. What is the better alternative available to them?
5. What are the better consequences for them?
6. What is the relevance for our lives here in this church?
If you have any thoughts on these questions I’d be glad to hear them. Leave a comment below and let’s work together to remain “free”.
God bless,