Hi everyone,
Douglas Jacoby alerted me to the event below, and I thought you might like to know about it. I am reading Rubel’s book. It is insightful, compassionate and theologically rich.
The upcoming webinar will meet many needs, and it’s free for all Doug’s website members. Guy Hammond is awesome on the personal side. Rubel is excellent on explaining the scriptures and the culture of the ancient world. If you haven’t read his book, prepare to be surprised!
The webinar is an hour and a quarter in length.
Webinar: 13 July, 10:00-11:15 ET
Speaker: Rubel Shelly
Topic: Male and Female He Created Them (Dr. Shelly’s latest book)
FREE for website members. (Otherwise $49, payable by card, Venmo, or cheque. Cheaper to just sign up for website membership.)
Non-members: sign up HERE, or send an email to dj@douglasjacoby.com.
Then register HERE.
This is the best book on the topic I’ve ever read, and the webinar based on it should be especially helpful to church leaders, Bible teachers, parents of children who have “come out,” younger persons, and all who are willing to look at the historical and biblical evidence. Rubel is also one of the most compassionate Christians I know. His wisdom and warmth should make for an encouraging session, even for those who disagree or are unsure. Please don’t miss this opportunity!
God bless, Malcolm