While scrolling through my Twitter feed this afternoon, I came across a tweet from a churchgoer which caught me off guard. She used the ‘f’ word in her tweet. I was surprised on two counts. Firstly because she used the word as a professing Christian, and secondly because it was over something as trivial as the church doors not being open when she arrived early. It seemed like an overreaction to me. Later in the day, I read the a chapter in the book Intentional Interruptions.
In it, I found this quote:
“In his little book, Digital Dominion, Jeff Mingee challenges us with this charge: ‘You can either mindlessly scroll or missionally engage. But you can’t do both.’ He then asks the heart-searching question ‘Believer, how beautiful is your digital footprint?’”
He was thinking about this verse,
“And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”” (Romans 10:15 NIV11)
How beautiful is your digital footprint? I want mine to look like Jesus’. You can keep an eye on my progress on Twitter. My handle is @mccx.
God bless, Malcolm