Newsletter episode 91

Isn’t it fun being helpful? I had an unexpected last-minute request from my friends in Dublin to join their leadership team meeting on Friday night. I was more than happy to interrupt my work on the script of a new podcast called, probably, “Malcolm’s Masters Theocast”. I had a delightful 20 minutes or so hanging out on zoom with my Irish brethren. I think, and hope, I was helpful. And it was a joy.
I am very excited about something some friends and I are putting on in November. I find myself inspired by the example of Apollos. Someone who knew the Bible well, and whose heart was to be helpful. Isn’t that what all people who enjoy teaching the Bible once?
“When he [Apollos] arrived, he was a great help to those who by grace had believed.” (Acts 18:27 NIV11)
Do you have an interest in teaching God’s word? Would you like to be more helpful to your congregation and those seeking God?
If so, this November’s teachers’ gathering could be for you.
Where does this idea come from?
Several of us from the UK were blessed to attend the recent ICOC teaching ministry conference in Estonia. Classes can be found here: The conference was hosted by the Tallinn church (Tallinna Kristlik Vabakogudus) and organised by a diverse group of people headed by Andy & Tammy Fleming.
We were inspired by the depth and practicality of the teaching. People like Andy and Tammy Fleming (Kiev), Valdur Koha (Boston), Mati Simm (Tallinn) Paul Smith (Johannesburg), Emmanuel Emeh (Lagos), Steve Kinnard (New York), Douglas Jacoby (Scotland), Brad and Laura King (Paris) and many others poured petrol on the fire of our teaching passion. Over 100 people attended in person with another 250 or more participating online from all over the world.
Who is it for?
Those present at the Tallinn conference from the UK had breakfast together on the final morning. We shared our reflections. A common desire surfaced. We want to do our part in enabling ever-healthier teaching to flourish in the United Kingdom. We do not have all the answers. But we sensed that if we meet together to worship with open hearts and bibles perhaps the Spirit will guide us. Therefore, we offer this opportunity for like-minded men and women to gather.
This event is open to anyone – men and women – who are interested in developing their ability to correctly teach and explain God’s word to others. It is not limited to those currently engaged in teaching in their congregations but also to those who believe they could contribute to a healthy church environment using their gifts and knowledge of God’s word appropriately.
Theme scripture: “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labour, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.” (Colossians 1:28–29 NAS95)
Venue: West Watford Free church building, Tolpits Lane, Watford, WD18 6NU.
Date: Saturday, the 27th of November from 10 am to 1 pm.
We will follow the sessions with a free light lunch for those who wish to stay and talk more. Tea and coffee will be provided.
– Videos on teaching topics will be sent out in advance to stimulate thinking as preparation for our time together
– The sessions will contain a mix of Bible teaching, table-based discussion and panel Q & A.
– We will pray and sing together
– Session 1: Why personal development as a teacher matters and the benefits of collaborating as teachers.
– Session 2: How we might feed our learning into the local church context.
– We will conclude by drawing threads together.
Registration is here:
Registration deadline: November 14th
– Will there be an option to attend online? We hope so. Leon Watkins is working on a plan. If it proves impossible we will record and upload as much as is relevant and appropriate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email:
God bless, Malcolm
On behalf of the organising group: myself, Chris Birtles, Andy Boakye, Andy Ezeilo, Douglas Jacoby and Rob Payne
God bless, Malcolm
- Some of my reading at the moment includes:
- The Wesleyan quadrilateral: Don Thorsen
- How to Study with Dyslexia Pocketbook (Rapid Study Skills for Students) Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
- Does Theology Have a Method? An Interview with Paul Allen
- Theological Method: A Guide for the Perplexed: Author: Paul L. Allen
- The Living God: Systemic Theology: Volume One (Systematic Theology) by Thomas C. Oden
The near future
- Working on plans (together with Andy Boakye and Douglas Jacoby) for a UK & Ireland teaching programme based on the Athens Institute of Ministry. We will launch in 2022.
- Recording the fourth class in the holy spirit, unity and fellowship series
- Finalising details for the teaching conference on November 27 as mentioned above
- Going to see the movie “Dune” with some of the men from the Watford Church.
- Assisting the Thames Valley conference supremo, Obi Abuchi, with finalising some plans for the “refresh” conference scheduled for 7-9 January 2022.
- Lunch on Friday with my old friend Harry Patel
- Seminar number three at the London School of Theology on Friday afternoon.
God bless, Malcolm