Podcast version of my newsletter 16 November 2019
The value of inspirational locations
I’m developing a teaching series on the Sermon on the Mount. It’s awesome. Exciting. And overwhelming! My procrastinatory tendencies have been heightened by the enormity of the task. A task, I might add, that I set myself!
Fortunately I have a friend. She (Karen) helped me reconnect with a similar past task successfully completed. A key component of that success (writing my first book) was that I had a specific writing place outside the home.
Hence, this Monday I heid myself to one of my favourite spots on earth. A regular ‘Sabbath’ day prayer and thinking place. The Dunstable Downs are a delightful location in which to talk things over with God. The National Trust cafe on the site makes it an ideal place to read and write.
My goal was to write the outline of three classes. I completed twelve. Twelve! Such is the value in noticing what has worked in the past, and of good friends who can help us get unstuck so that we can do something important for the kingdom of God.
Are you stuck with something? Do yourself a favour – talk it over with a friend, review past instances when you managed well, and go somewhere special to you to talk it over with God. With our Father we are never fatally stuck!
““What is impossible with man is possible with God.”” (Luke 18:27 NIV11)
I offer my recordings this week in the hope that they will help you move forward in your faith.
The podcast summary contains a reminder of what’s been posted on my site this week. I.e. the usual TTT, SS & QTC. To watch/listen to any posts, just head over the the website.
Prayer request
Please keep me in your prayers as we make plans for 2020. Both the Thames Valley churches of Christ and the Watford Church of Christ are deep into planning mode for the year ahead. Please pray that we make good decisions based on what we discern the Spirit doing.
Thank you for reading this far, and encouraging me in my endeavours to support our times of quiet with God, our corporate worship experiences, and the effectiveness of our preaching and teaching.
If you know anyone who might enjoy these materials, please send them a link to my website and encourage them to sign up for this newsletter.
God bless, Malcolm