I have damaged knees – part bad genetics, part bad experiences on the sports field. The left knee has been badly swollen for a few days, so I was not able to attend the weekly London staff meeting. However, by the power of Skype I was able to join the others virtually if not physically. While a slightly surreal experience, it was, nonetheless, a very encouraging time.

We sang, we prayed, we shared good news, did some ‘church business’, and studied the Bible together. Some highlights for me: Charles Elikwu (recently on staff in the North) joined us. We were housemates in ’84-5, so we go back a long way! Also hearing that a young woman who was reached out to on the tube two years ago by Sarah Desouza and Sonia Louis, was baptised last week in the East.
Plans are afoot for a London-wide teen service in June – perhaps hosted by the NW. I’d look forward to that! So much youth & spiritual energy unleashed in Harrow. Something not to be missed!
Mohan’s lesson on Elisha was a great reminder of what it means to be a person of faith, used by God. He was a replacement for Elijah – but did not just step into his shoes. He made them his own. Often we ‘replace’ others, but we need our own convictions. The main points:
1. He Connected with people, 2 Kings 4:28-37 – by being approachable, honest and passionate
2. He Believed in God’s presence, 2 Kings 6:16ff – never forgetting what God had done
3. He was Single-Minded, 2 Kings 5:26 – had his own convictions that lasted
Thank you, Skype! Next week I hope the knee will allow me to be physically present.