Newsletter 28 March 2020

I received an email this week from a women’s ministry director in Los Angeles. She asked me if I had any materials that might help people struggling with loneliness. I do not.
How do we practice physical distancing during this virus crisis without succumbing to a another disease – loneliness?
“God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing;” (Psalm 68:6 NIV11)
I will produce a blog and recording on this topic next week, but here are some preliminary thoughts. Just a few bulIet points. I offer them with a request. The request is that you give me your feedback.
- You are not alone. You might feel alone, but you have companions – “Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23 NIV11)
- Use the technology available. Use what works for you, and don’t feel you have to fit in with everyone else. Facebook, video, text, landline, skype ….
- Make a plan. Partner with other people to stay connected. Plan when to talk.
- Seek to support rather than be supported. Acknowledge your need – be real – but seek to listen more than you speak.
- Temporary – “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 NIV11) You will see your friends again sooner or later.
- Birthdays. Being alone on your birthday might be one of the worst challenges. Remember your friends’ birthdays and contact them.
- Jesus. He found strength from God when he was alone in the wilderness (Luke 4). You can find inspiration in his example.
- NHS:
- Campaign to end loneliness:
- Depression:
I hope my posts this week will help you to enjoy God’s companionship, and offer loneliness-busting support to others.
Prayer requests
- That the online services will attract non-believers to join us as we worship God.
- For everybody involved in the frontline of providing help for the sick. Especially my GP wife!
Thank you for reading this far, and encouraging me in my endeavours to support our times of quiet with God, our corporate worship experiences, and the effectiveness of our preaching and teaching. I hope my uploads will help you to live a life of peace as you rest in the trust you have in our heavenly Father, no matter what the circumstances.
If you know anyone who might enjoy these materials, please send them a link to my website and encourage them to sign up for this newsletter.
God bless, Malcolm