As we come to the end of the year, we have decided to survey the members of the Thames Valley and Watford churches of Christ regarding the needs of our speakers.
Just in case this might be useful to you in your context, I attach the document we are sending round to the congregations.
Here is the text of the PDF….
We are tremendously blessed in Watford with self-motivated and competent speakers. Not simply those who are good at what they do, but who truly believe in what they speak of, and do their best to live it out.
Our speaker pool is diverse, and growing. For all this we are very grateful. What can we do to continue to support and equip speakers old and new?
I recently finished a book, “The heart of communication: How to really connect with an audience” by Rob Parsons. In the first chapter of the book he writes this:
“…if I had to single out one characteristic of those who are the most effective communicators – whether they are addressing audiences of thousands or speaking to seminars of twelve – it would be this: they are teachable. They are tireless in their effort to ‘stir up the gift within them’. They want to get better.” Parsons, Rob. The Heart of Communication: How to really connect with an audience . John Murray Press. Kindle Edition.
Hence this survey. I would appreciate it if you could take a few moments to think about these questions, and send your responses back to me. Then we can devise the right way to provide the support desired and the training requested.
SECTION 1 : For speakers (lessons, welcome, HOPE talks, testimonies, communions etc.)
Question 1: If there was one practical aspect of presentation you would like to improve, what would that be?
Question 2: If there was one practical aspect of preparation you would like to improve, what would that be?
Question 3: If there was one spiritual aspect of speaking in which you would like to grow, what would that be?
SECTION 2 : For everyone (from your perspective as a listener)
Question 1: If there was one practical aspect of presentation in which you would like to see our speakers improve, what would that be?
Question 2: If there was one practical aspect of preparation in which you would like to see our speakers improve, what would that be?
Question 3: If there was one spiritual aspect of speaking in which you would like to see our speakers grow, what would that be?
SECTION 3 : For all
Is there anything else you would like us to consider in supporting and training our speakers?
Please send your responses to the email address below. The deadline is Sunday 27th December because that will give us enough time to make some provisional plans for the beginning of 2021.
Many thanks.
God bless, Malcolm