Quiet Time Coaching: Episode 85. “How to tell the difference between imperfect humility and perfect humility.”
Humility is a big deal. Biblically, one falls or rises depending on one’s possession of godly humility: “All of you, […]
Humility is a big deal. Biblically, one falls or rises depending on one’s possession of godly humility: “All of you, […]
Have you ever fought a dragon? I expect you have. We all have our ‘dragons’ to battle. But how do […]
Last week I introduced the question as to which might be the most essential spiritual qualities for a disciple. My […]
In this final class we look at some of the warnings and promises in Hebrews. Click for the Handout. Please leave […]
What are the most essential spiritual qualities for a disciple? How about these three: humble, hungry and smart? I […]
What will it take to finish the Christian race? We take a look at the exhortations, warnings and inspiration in […]
Is there something wrong with asking people to pray for us? Do you feel uncomfortable doing so? Is it selfish? […]
John 5.41 – Jesus did not accept glory from human beings. We have chosen a work the world despises, or […]