Date: Sunday 
23rd April
Locations: Lower Earley and Watford
Special occasion: “Allotment” Sunday in Watford
Mikko gave us a very encouraging lesson in Lower Early, while the Watford situation was a little different from usual. Joe shared some thoughts about God’s heart as revealed in nature. The outdoor service on Joe’s allotment was a very different scenario from usual – and felt very first-century! Scriptures like the parable of the sower sound very different when explained outdoors.
Today’s lesson: continue to vary locations so as to create different contexts for scriptures to be heard.
The Watford service was very informal. Charl’s acoustic guitar was just the right accompaniment. The Lower Early service started on time, and we prayed together before starting. The atmosphere in Lower Earley was positive and led to some enthusiastic singing – helped by involving the children and adults with hand movements to the song, “Open the Eyes of my Heart”. A new song did not connect so well.
Today’s lessons: use hand movements more often with children and songs while they are in the service. Teach a new song before singing it.
The outdoor service in Watford made connecting harder, but song sheets, a loaf of bread for the communion and practical things to do on the allotment more than made up for that. The connection in Lower Early was helped by the Gouws family all welcoming us at the start, and by involving the children in the singing.
Today’s lesson: continue to involve children in the service
Other Matters
- Watford: the physical work on the allotment drew us closer to some of the teachings of Jesus since many of his parables and illustrations were drawn from an agrarian lifestyle.
Today’s lesson: continue to be creative with physical tools, locations and activities
Last week I said we would prioritise:
- Think through chorus repeats and write them down – again. Need to establish the habit – got it right, but did not write it down. The habit is not secure, yet.
- Add a hymn to the service in Lower Earley – done
- Start on time – done in Lower Early, not in Watford – but that did not matter given the informal setting
This week I’ll prioritise:
- Involving children
- Think through chorus repeats and write them down – again. Need to establish the habit.
- Start on time
Let me know your ideas. You can leave a message here, or send me an email:
God bless,