Date: Sunday 18th June
Location: Watford and Bracknell
Special occasion: Fathers’ Day
“There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”” (Deuteronomy 1:31 NIV11)
It was a special joy celebrating fathers’ day with all the dads in the Watford and Thames Valley churches. We’re lucky if we have a good relationship with our earthly fathers, for not all do, but we are especially fortunate to have a loving heavenly father who gives us the perfect parenting no human father can provide.
Note to self: we could have made more of this theme in the Watford service. The handing out of chocolate byt the chidlren to their fathers in Bracknell delighted both dads and their kids!
Mike Desouza was our visiting speaker in Bracknell. It’s always good to see and hear from an old friend. He did not disappoint. One of Mike’s signature speaking strengths is his use of illustrations and media. Video clips and powerful images gave his message extra punch.
Note to self: add video into my lessons more often
Music Worship
The heat in both locations meant the physical enthusiasm was a little lacking – especially in Watford where we had an oven of a hall in which to meet! The weather was stiffling.
Note to self: bring fans when it’s hot. Open all windows etc as soon as arriving at the venue.
Other Thoughts
Last week
- Agree who is leading which song in advance – done
- Use scripture to help us focus – not applied
Focus for next Sunday
- Continue to focus on agreeing who is leading which song in advance (Lower Earley)
- Prioritise ventilation
Please comment on what you’re doing locally with your services. Share ideas with us so we can grow and please God.
Let me know your ideas. You can leave a comment below.
God bless,