The weekly newsletter, 21 December 2019

Welcome to love
I love a warm welcome, don’t you? I saw the sign above on Monday when I went to pray in a new place – Phillipshill Wood in Chorleywood. It was part of my preparation before popping off to Rootz Café to finish writing the last of the sermon on the Mount class series.
I would have enjoyed my walk in the woods without the sign, but it added something to my day to know that somebody had bothered to make and erect the sign.
It’s Christmas season and we are celebrating not only the greatest gift that’s ever been given, but the most profound and significant “welcome” that’s ever been offered to humankind. God beckons us into his presence with the open arms of the warmest welcome we can imagine.
Whether in this season, like me, you are welcoming neighbours, relatives and friends into your home, or not, let’s not forget to celebrate the ultimate welcome!
I hope my podcasts and other materials this week will help you to feel welcomed into God’s love and to offer his love to others.
Prayer request
For the lonely at Christmas and all who have lost a loved one this year. For me as I prepare lessons and plans for 2020 for the Watford church.
Thank you for reading this far, and encouraging me in my endeavours to support our times of quiet with God, our corporate worship experiences, and the effectiveness of our preaching and teaching.
If you know anyone who might enjoy these materials, please send them a link to my website and encourage them to sign up for this newsletter.
God bless, Malcolm