Conclusion: I will serve the Lord. Don’t be soft! Luke 9. 23–24. Don’t despair! There may be scars, and some of those scars may be unavoidable; but always there is grace in our weakness. Do a self-check. Am I giving myself enough time for sleep? Am I taking care with regular days off? Am I investing in godly friendships? Am I self aware about how God gives me inward renewal? How much do I care what people think of me as a Christian? Do I believe the promises of God? Am I rejoicing in the free grace of God towards me? Make a resolution.
I am – and will never, this side of the resurrection, be more than – a creature of dust. I will rest content in my creaturely weakness; I will use the means God has given me to keep going in this life while I can; I will allow myself time to sleep; I will trust him enough to take a day off each week; I will invest in friendships and not be a proud loner; I will take with gladness the inward refreshment he offers me. I will serve the Lord Jesus with a glad and restful zeal with all the energy that he works within me; but not with anxious toil, selfish ambition, the desire for the praise of people, and all the other ugly motivations that will destroy my soul. So help me God.