Applying the Bible to real life
I’ve had a rough week of health. A throat infection and stomach bug. Hence a shorter newsletter today.
If you’ve been a subscriber for a while you will know I’m studying the Sermon on the Mount in depth in preparation for a teaching series next year and a teaching day in February. The following passage was my focus earlier in the week:
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12 NIV11)
I noted that a similar formula is used later in the gospel: “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:40 NIV11)
In that teaching block Jesus reminds his hearers of the greatest commandments: love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself.
As I contemplated the application of loving my neighbour as myself and treating them as I would wish them to treat me, a chord resonated in the back of my mind.
As I explored it, I realised that I had been putting off inviting our neighbours to our annual drinks and nibbles event which we hold every year between Christmas and New Year. We’ve done it three years in a row. Every time it’s been fantastic. Members of the Watford church and neighbours from the streets around where we live have come along for a fun evening of lively conversation, tasty snacks and sampling my homebrew beers and wines.
It’s been fun to do it between Christmas and New Year when people are often a bit more relaxed. However, I do like my space, quiet, peace and solitude. Although I enjoy the event, it takes conscious intentional self-denial to take action in preparing the event and inviting our neighbours. I had been putting it off.
Well, no longer. This week I put an invitation together (picture above) and next week, I shall start inviting our neighbours.
Is this something nagging at the back of your mind regarding your neighbours? How could you treat them as you would hope they will treat you?
I offer my recordings this week in the hope that they will help you to love your neighbour as yourself.
The podcast summary contains a reminder of what’s been posted on my site this week. I.e. the usual TTT, SS & QTC. To watch/listen to any posts, just head over to the website.
Prayer request
Please pray for me to get over the bugs currently infesting my system. I am very bored of them!
“Thank you” to everybody who’s been praying for me as I prepare the “Sermon on the Mount” teaching series. I’m now halfway through the lesson preparation. Three more Monday mornings should suffice to finish the classes.
Thank you for reading this far, and encouraging me in my endeavours to support our times of quiet with God, our corporate worship experiences, and the effectiveness of our preaching and teaching.
If you know anyone who might enjoy these materials, please send them a link to my website and encourage them to sign up for this newsletter.
God bless, Malcolm